Our Top Tips for Good School Attendance:
- create good attendance habits from when your child first goes to nursery
- talk to your child about the importance of school for their future
- take a positive interest in your child's work, including helping them with homework
- help your child to get into a good night-time, sleep time and morning routine
- have a good relationship with school, talk to them about concerns you have and your child’s progress
- contact school on the first day of absence if your child is not able to attend
- be honest with school if your child is absent or not wanting to attend
- book all holidays in the school holidays and not in term time
- book medical appointments after school or during the school holidays. If you can’t, then make sure your child attends before and after their appointment
- prioritise school attendance over other activities and ask for help if you need it.
For help and advice you can contact your child’s school or get in touch with us at sheffieldinclusion&attendance@sheffield.gov.uk.