Our Ethos and Vision
At Manor Lodge we relentlessly strive to provide our pupils with a curriculum for excellence which develops and promotes knowledge, understanding and crucial life skills through relational practice and core values. We want to equip our community with attributes that they will be able use use right through their lives.
We aim to do this through our Manor Lodge Mission. This combines our ethos of the whole community feeling a sense of 'belonging' at our school alongside our core set of values we have developed alongside our pupils, staff, parents and governors: Respect, Enjoyment, Determination, Confidence, Ambition and Pride (RED CAP is the acronym we use to help remember them all). From the moment our families arrive at the school gate each morning until the last child leaves in the evening, they will feel welcomed and supported by our Manor Lodge team.
We support our pupils both academically and pastorally - ensuring that their mental health and well-being is at the forefront of our daily duties. Children will leave Manor Lodge with a sense of belonging to our community as well as having crucial, core skills to support them in the future.
At our school, we strive to ensure that all pupils achieve their full potential and are fully prepared for the next phase of their education and beyond. We hope our pupils will look back on their time at Manor Lodge as a positive start to their life’s adventures.
We recognise that education goes well beyond the academic and we are proud of our welfare; inclusion and safeguarding team who put the necessary time and resources into ensuring all children’s needs are met before stepping foot into the classroom each and every day - this is based on Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs - in order for our children to feel they are ready and able to achieve their very best whilst in school.
This ethos permeates through our whole school. Ultimately, Manor Lodge is a special place that is brought to life by your amazing children and our dedicated staff.
Kind Regards,
Mr Greg Yates (Headteacher)