Manor Lodge Primary is dedicated to fostering an inclusive educational atmosphere for every student, ensuring that each individual has the opportunity to reach their full potential through dedicated efforts to secure appropriate special educational provisions.
To achieve this, we ensure that:
All teachers have high expectations of pupils with SEND, including a commitment to ensuring they can achieve their full educational potential.
All teachers deliver high quality provision to meet the needs of pupils with SEND.
We promptly identify and assess students with SEND, implementing a flexible and staged approach to address all identified requirements.
We work collaboratively with education, health, and social care services to allocate resources that cater to the needs of all students.
Teachers are responsible and accountable for the progress and development of all the pupils in their class, including where pupils access support from teaching assistants or specialist staff.
All staff develop their awareness of special educational needs and focus on inclusive practice to remove barriers to learning with access to a broad, balanced yet relevant mainstream curriculum which is differentiated to ensure continuing progress.
Students with SEND are actively engaged in the decision-making process and are encouraged to share their views, wishes, and feelings. These perspectives will be considered when planning their curriculum, providing them with increased choice and flexibility.
We involve parents/carers as partners in the education of their children and provide them with the information and support necessary to enable participation in decision making.
This reflects their rights as stated in the Children’s Act 1989 and the Equality Act 2010.
All pupils are valued equally as individuals taking into consideration other factors which contribute to learning, behaviour, well-being and state of mind.
Our Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator is Mr Steve Lo.
Our Assistant SENDCo is Mr Tom Fletcher (KS2) and Miss Gascon (KS1 and Early Years).
If you would like to meet them to discuss the needs of your child, then please contact the school on 0114 2725054 to arrange a convenient time.
Many thanks.
Addmission Arrangments for SEND
Admission to Manor Lodge Primary School, including for chose children with SEND, is determined by the criteria set out by Sheffield City Council and which can be found at
Further information on our approach to transition to Manor Lodge Primary, for children with SEND, is available in the SEND Information Report.