Our Values
Respect – for ourselves, each other and our school
Determination – To overcome obstacles and try our best ‘I can’t do it…yet!’
Enjoyment – Learning through excitement and wonder
Confidence – To try new things and take risks. It’s ok to make mistakes and learn from them.
Ambition – To be the best I can be! I want to achieve my goals!
Pride – To be proud of myself, my work, my school and community
Curriculum Questions?
If you wish to find out more about our Curriculum, please feel free to speak to you child's class teacher, or make an appointment to speak to the Subject-specific Curriculum leaders, who will be more than willing and excited to share our wonderful curriculum, with you.
Religious Studies
As a wonderfully diverse and multicultural and multi-faith school, Manor Lodge ensures the delivery of Religious Education is of high-quality and of significant importance.
If you have any questions or would like further information about how we teach RE at Manor Lodge Community Primary School please see the RE Leader, Miss Al-Hakam or our Curriculum Leader, Mrs McGrath.
Please arrange to meet them or contact at enquiries@manorlodge.sheffield.sch.uk
​During the school year the children will take part in RE days. These days are dedicated to helping the children have an understanding of the religions and beliefs of the people of Derbyshire and the wider community.
The school makes arrangements for parents to exercise their right to withdraw their child/children from Religious Education and Collective worship. Please inform your child's class teacher in the first instance if you wish to exercise this right.